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The PONY program provides flexible rules and incremental levels of competitive play, which are specifically designed for the physical development and safety requirements of each age group. This page describes our divisions and helps you find the most appropriate division for your child. If you have further questions after reading through this, please contact the appropriate Division Director.

Finding The Right Division

Start by determining your player’s League Age. This is their chronological age on May 1st as of the 2024 season. For example, if a player turns 10 on April 20th, he would be considered league age 10, since he is 10 on May 1st. If he turns 10 on June 15th, he would be considered league age 9, since he is 9 on May 1st. The look in the row labeled “Age on May 1st” to find the correct division.

Pony, Colt, and Palomino are “Age and Under” divisions: Pony is 14 and under; Colt is 16 and under; and Palomino is 19 and under. This is to accommodate younger High School Fresh/Soph players who would like to “play up” to Colt Division, and younger High School Varsity players who would like to “play up” to Palomino. It is expected that no 12 year old will qualify to “play up” to Pony Division, as the tryout requirements are much more demanding than for Bronco.

Division Summary

Shetland Pinto 1 Pinto 2 Mustang 1 Mustang 2 Bronco Pony Colt Palomino
Age on April 30 5-6 7 8 9 10 11-12 13-14 16U 19U
Basepath 50ft 50ft 50ft 60ft 60ft 70ft 80ft 90ft 90ft
Pitching mound 38ft 38ft 38ft 46ft 46ft 50ft 54ft 60.5ft 60.5ft
Start of season Tee Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch
End of season Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch Player Pitch
Teams formed by Director Director Director Draft Draft Draft Draft Director Director
Base stealing No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Leadoffs No No No No 1st/2nd Yes Yes Yes Yes
Balk No No No No Warn Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dropped 3rd strike N/A No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Breaking pitches N/A No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Season begins March March March March March March March May May